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Full Special Trial Freeware Shareware Game Demos Game Add-Ons Interview PDA

MusicMaker 6 SE
eZedia 2.1 MX
AudioConverter 3
3D Flash Animator
Repligator 6
World City Guide
UFO Episode


Ulead COOL 3D 3.5
MGI VideoWave 5
Music Maker 7
FineReader 5
Access Folders 1.61
Hypertext Studio
Enterprise 4

Hypertext Studio
Professional 4

WireFusion 2.1
Tweak-Me Gold
SWiSH 2.0
3D Flash Animator
AceHTML Pro 5.03
eZediaMX 3
Paint Shop Pro 7
Repligator 8
AudioConverter 4

DrinkCompare 2.0
CD Menu Wizard 1.0
Cover Creator 3.1.0
Offline CD Browser
CD Tree 1.1.5
CDex 1.30
MP3 Cat 1.10
ATnotes 9.01
Absolute HTML
Compressor 1.12

Browser Pro 1.0
XP Bench
AB Commander Lite
Active Ports
Remapper XP
X-Setup 6.1
LogonUI 1.02
AimAtSite Toolbar
DNS Cache Tweak
Hotkey Control XP
Resource Hacker

Any Capture Screen
7-Zip 2.24
Acid Drop 1.25
Magic Tweak 1.83
IconPlucker 1.0
ToggleMinimise 2.0
Cacheman 5.11
Universal Explorer

Warrior Kings
Ultimate Ride
C&C: Renegade
Combat Mission
Tiger Woods 2002
Star Wars Starfighter
Virtua Tennis
Strange Adventures
Grids of Fury
RedAce Squadron
NASCAR Racing 02
Warlords Battlecry 2

Baldurs Gate II [1]
Baldurs Gate II [2]
Baldurs Gate II [3]
Caesar III
Civilization III
Command & Conquer
Tiberian Sun
Half life
Max Payne
Medal Of Honor [1]
Medal Of Honor [2]
Medal Of Honor [3]
Medal Of Honor [4]
Medal Of Honor [5]
Quake 1
Red Alert 2
The Sims
Tiberian Dawn
Unreal Tournament
Wolfenstein [1]
Wolfenstein [2]

Alien V. Predator

Battle Realms 2.02
Civilization 3 1.17
Paris-Dakar Rally

Demolition Derby 1.1
Evil Twin Patch 1
Gorasul 1.05e
Monopoly Tycoon 1.3
Rally Trophy 1.01
Star Trek DS9 1.05
Sub Command 1.05e
The Nations Gold Ed

Train Simulator
Update 1

Beach Life, with Ian
Livingstone from

10 screenshots from
the most violent
PC games ever.

Internet Explorer 6
Acrobat Reader 5
WinZip 8.1
Pocket PC

Starting the Disc
Installing Software
Turning off

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MusicMaker 6 SE
 Music Maker is a great program that lets you make your own tracks without all this fuss. It's like baking a rich sonic cake. You build your piece layer by layer, adding different beats and samples to eight separate tracks until the finished product is something you're happy with.
[Full Program, as sold for £30]

AudioConverter 3
 Audio Converter is a handy utility that enables you to convert your CD audio tracks into MP3 format, highly compressed Windows Media Audio files, or AIFF or Wave formats. It also enables you to make an audio CD directly from WMA or MP3 files, without having to create interim wave-format files.
[Full Program, as sold for £14]

eZedia 2 MX
 Multimedia development toolkit that is powerful enough for the advanced user while easy enough to learn for the beginner to get started on simple projects before progressing to something more adventurous. For advanced users, the theory behind authoring in eZediaMX is similar to other programs.
[Full Program, as sold for £168]

3D Flash Animator 3
 If you have your own Web page, no doubt you are always looking for ways to improve its appearance. You probably sit there green with envy when looking at Web sites that contain Flash animations wondering 'if only I could do that on my Web page'. Develop your own Flash animations with this solution.
[Full Program, as sold for £35]

Repligator 6
 There are a number of ways to make an ordinary image look, well, less ordinary. At the click of a button, Repligator will enable you to add incredible special effects to an image that would otherwise take you an absolute age to achieve if you were to try and create them yourself.
[Full Program, as sold for £21]

World City Guide
 Keeping an up-to-date library of travel books is an expensive and space-consuming pastime. You can, of course, just go to the library, but unless you're planning to go to Brazil circa 1984, you won't find anything of much use. With the low-down on 90 cities across the world, it's a comprehensive city travel guide.
[Full Program]

 Listen up, it's the distant future (1980, actually) and aliens keep showing up and kidnapping people. Luckily, someone's set up a defence department beneath a London film studio that's going to save the world only for some reason, nobody is allowed to know about it. Full episode from this cult series.
[Full episode]

Game Add-Ons, Modules and Enhancements
 We've put together a complete set of patches, modules, enhancements, modules and more for games including Baldurs Gate, Civilization III, the Command & Conquer series, The Sims, Unreal, Wolfenstein and more. See the left hand side panel for a list of game add-ons and extras.
[Game add-ons]

Games Patches
 We've put together a collection of over twelve patches for some of the games from the last year or so. To access the patches, refer to the list on the left hand side.

Beach Life - an Interview with Ian Livingstone
 Beach Life is a SIM that is due out in the Summer. We talk to Ian Livingstone, executive chairman of Eidos (famous for The Sims amongst other titles), co-author of the Fighting Fantasty books, about the forthcoming game, his books and more.

PDA Resources
 Your PDA is a powerful resource, shipping with a number of applications. However, there's a huge number of tools and games out there. We've put together five of the best and most recent games for your Palm or Pocket PC based handheld.
[PDA software]

 The TrustToolbar Plug-in, a free Internet Explorer browser enhancement, provides end users with a common sense way to navigate the web. It also provides security and trust by identifying the company behind the website - achieved through the user friendly display of the company name, country and company logo on the plug-in interface.
[Full Plugin]
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